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Custom Views & Reports
This package provides additional views of bookings, vehicles and driver data to support operations. These features were all requested and designed by customers to supplement views and reports in their telematics and bookings systems.
The following views and reports are currently supported:
planned reports
driver utilization - daily view of planned bookings by driver
vehicle utilization - daily, weekly, monthly views of planned bookings by vehicle
actuals reports
booking on-time performance - daily planned vs. actual vehicle arrival/leave times
route on-time performance - daily planned vs. actual vehicle arrival/leave times
mileage report - daily planned vs actual mileage by vehicle
billing report - daily planned vs. actual pickup / dropoff times
vehicle start/finish report - daily planned vs. actuals vehicle start/finish times
daily driver report - planned vs. HOS vs. payroll times for all drivers
multiday driver report - planned vs. HOS vs. payroll times for a driver
payroll summary report - total daily HOS hours by date range across all drivers
unplanned activity reports
unplanned vehicle activity - daily vehicle trips outside of planned bookings
unplanned driver activity - daily​​ driver HOS events outside of planned bookings
Planned - Driver Utilization Daily
shows all drivers along with planned booking details to highlight usage times by date
Planned - Vehicle Utilization Daily
shows all vehicles along with planned booking details to highlight usage times by date
Planned - Vehicle Utilization Weekly
weekly view of planned bookings by vehicle & date
Planned - Vehicle Utilization Monthly
monthly view of planned bookings by vehicle type counts & date
Actuals - Booking On-time Performance
daily view of differences between planned & actual vehicle arrival & leave times
Actuals - Route On-time Performance
nightly report of on-time performance of vehicle routes/stops - to address your customer SLA requirements
create routes in your ELD or booking platform
receive nightly reports with actual times for each route & stop
Actuals - Mileage Report
daily view of differences between planned, actual mileage and ELD daily totals to support payroll & billing activities
Actuals - Billing Report
daily view of differences between planned & actual vehicle mileage/times to support customer billing
Actuals - Vehicle Report
daily view of differences between planned & actual vehicle mileage/times to support payroll & billing
Actuals - Driver Daily Report
daily view of differences between planned, HOS & (optionally) payroll times to support driver payroll activities
expand a row to see the detailed planned, HOS & payroll records
note - pulling timecard data from your payroll system is optional
we currently support these payroll providers: BambooHR & PayNW
contact us if you are interested in integrating with another provider
Actuals - Driver Multiday Report
multiday view of differences between planned, HOS & (optionally) payroll times to support driver payroll activities
expand a row to see the detailed planned, HOS & payroll records
note - pulling timecard data from your payroll system is optional
we currently support these payroll providers: BambooHR & PayNW
contact us if you are interested in integrating with another provider
Actuals - Driver Payroll Summary Report
multiday view of total HOS hours by driver and date to support driver payroll activities
Unplanned - Vehicle Activity Report
daily view of actual vehicle trip activity that is not part of a planned booking
Unplanned - Driver Activity Report
daily view of actual driver HOS activity that is not part of a planned booking
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